Sunday, March 27, 2011


From Monday March 28 through Sunday April 3rd I am hosting "In the bag" for The Fresh Diet Customers. We have been doing this for about the past three weeks as a means of supporting each other to stick to foods in the Fresh Diet bag only. This is made into a contest and someone will be chosen from all who participate to win a FREE WEEK of The Fresh Diet. Of course, in the end, we are all winners. Weight will be lost and good health will be gained. We'll have fun in the process.
The Fresh Diet bag contains all the meals and snacks you need for the day. Three meals and two snacks, selections you choose yourself from a list of delicious food.
I must say, this is the easiest contest ever. You choose the foods you love. Check out below, at the very bottom of this blog, lots of examples of very delicious food.

I'll be reminding you to drink at least 2 quarts of water daily along with The Fresh Diet. I know! You've heard it, at least a million times on the Fresh Diet Facebook page to drink water! But, I'm going to bring it up again anyway. To see why this is SO important, please read my post of September, 2010 titled, "The Perfect Couple".  It will make a difference!
EXERCISE is also part of the deal this week! Check out many ways to do this, also one of  the September posts, titled, " The Fresh Diet says, "Keep on Moving". 
I have a pedometer that I wear on my waistband by my hip, and try to do at least 12,000  steps a day. You don't need a pedometer. A few ways to increase your steps would be to:

  • Take a walk with your spouse, child, or friend

  • Walk the dog

  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator

  • Park farther from the store

  • Better yet, walk to the store

  • Get up to change the channel

  • Window shop

  • Plan a walking meeting

  • Walk over to visit a neighbor

  • Get outside to walk around the garden or do a little weeding

  • Do a dance/exercise video

  • Roller skating or roller blading

  • Walk while talking on phone

  • Housework, dust, vacuum etc. 

  • At work go visit colleague instead of e-mailing

  • Use restroom further away 

  • These are just a few suggestions, you can use your imagination and be creative. There are lots of ways to exercise. Do what's right for you and make it fun! Go to the gym, run, bicycle, etc. What exercise do you like to do?
    Today we start by weighing ourselves first thing before breakfast then put the scale away until next monday. You'll see a pleasant surprise.
    Be "in the bag" only. The Fresh Diet bag of course.
    Drink at least 2 quarts of water every day.
    Increase your exercise from last week. You can do it. Push yourself a little.
    Remember OBSTACLES are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.
    In my next post I'll put photos of today's food.
    Good luck to you!


    1. Carol, the importance of water cannot be overstated.
      When we're losing weight, we need to flush out those old toxins we've been carrying around for so long. Water helps with a feeling of fullness as well.
      I take my water bottle everywhere, and I keep it full. My husband and kids do this too. It's one habit they've picked up from me that seems to have stuck!
      I have an autoimmune disease that could affect my kidneys at some point as well, so I always bless my water for the day, and thank it for keeping my kidneys functioning so well.
      Thanks again for your blog. It is an inspiration and a delight, as are you.
      Much love!

    2. Wow Melissa,
      Thank you for this comment... actually I'm drinking water as I read this! And thank you for the lovely compliment.
      Good luck and may success embrace you.
